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The privacy of our visitors to DrOfficeJobs.com is important to us. At DrOfficeJobs.com, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use and visit DrOfficeJobs.com, and how we safeguard your information. We never sell your personal information to third parties.

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As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider), the browser you used to visit our site, the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site.

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We do use cookies to store information, such as the type of device you are using, your browser type, navigation preferences, and pages viewed while visiting our site. Currently, our site does not include any features requiring any profile or login information, so no personal identifying information is collected. However, cookies allow us to know a little bit about your last visit. This could include conveniences such as your last search, your filtering preferences, and perhaps whether or not you already acknowledged a message we needed our users to see.

We may also use third party advertisements on DrOfficeJobs.com to support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site. Thus, like us, advertisers may also receive information including your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, the capabilities of your browser. This is generally used for geo-targeting purposes or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited.

You can chose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts, or the loss of passive features intended to provide a convenience to you.

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